Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Catching up

Ok. I know it's been about two months since I have blogged. Summer always throws me for a loop. I do much better on a schedule and I do much better when I have some time to myself. So, I'm going to pull a "Kenneth" and write several in one day. I will probably have to write several more on another day to catch up. We started off the summer with Jacob going to church camp for the first time. For those going into second grade they have a day camp. I went along with the group. I can handle going when I don't have to spend the night. Jacob enjoyed it a lot - especially the swimming. They got to swim in the pool and the lake. This year they have a new trampoline out in the lake and the kids really enjoyed it. Caleb went to camp for a whole week but I don't have any pictures of his time there. He thoroughly enjoyed it! Joshua chose not to go to camp this year. Falling out of the top bunk last year didn't help make him want to go back.

Doing flips off of the diving board at camp.
Having fun on the orbit!
Jumping into the lake.
Swimming in the lake.
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